National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Senate Leadership Regarding Health Care Reform Legislation

National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Senate Leadership Regarding Health Care Reform Legislation

May 17, 2017

Submitted via email

The Honorable Mitch McConnell
Majority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Chuck Schumer
Minority Leader
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Leaders:
As the Senate works on health care reform legislation, the National Coalition on Benefits (NCB) urges you to carefully evaluate the effect it may have on employees and their families. Your work on this legislation should ensure that any changes do not impede the ability of employers to offer coverage and for employees to afford this coverage.

The NCB is comprised of industry trade associations representing large and small businesses, as well as employers with operations and employees in all 50 states. The Coalition has been a long-time supporter of ensuring all Americans have access to affordable health insurance coverage. In particular, we support legislation preserving the ability of employers to offer uniform coverage across all 50 states, as provided under current pre-emption provisions in the ERISA statute.

Health care reform must recognize the important role employers play in providing quality, affordable health benefits to more than 177 million Americans. As health care reform moves forward, federal policies should leverage and encourage the innovation of employer-sponsored health care benefits and support the flexibility necessary to enable larger employers to continue to make these innovations. Key to this is to ensure that increased state flexibility does not erode ERISA preemption, which enables multistate employers to seek lower-cost, nationwide pricing for health care services, and drive innovation in benefit and plan design that fosters new health care cost controls and improved the quality of care.

NCB looks forward to working with you and the entire Senate as you consider proposals addressing how best to achieve our shared goals and objectives for the U.S. health care system: lower costs, improved access, greater transparency and higher quality.


                                             The National Coalition on Benefits

CC: Members of the United States Senate


National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Senate Leadership Regarding Health Care Reform Legislation

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