National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Congress on Cadillac Tax Delay

National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Congress on Cadillac Tax Delay

January 17, 2018
Re: Stop-gap spending bill, Cadillac Tax

Dear Leaders:
Thank you for including a two year delay of the 40 percent “Cadillac Tax” on
employer-sponsored health care benefits in the stop-gap spending bill. The
National Coalition on Benefits, comprised of industry trade associations
representing large and small businesses, as well as employers with operations
and employees in all 50 states, is very supportive of Congressional efforts to
delay this harmful tax. The Coalition has been a long-time supporter of ensuring
all Americans have access to affordable health insurance coverage.

America’s employers, both large and small, continue to support full repeal of the 40 percent tax on health benefits and we very much appreciate the interim step of the two year delay. Absent Congress addressing this tax, the 40 percent tax will slow private sector health care innovation and erode the value of the employer-sponsored health care benefits upon which more than 178 million Americans currently rely. The National Coalition on Benefits strongly urges passage of the stop-gap spending bill with this delay.

NCB looks forward to working with you and the entire Congress as you consider proposals addressing how best to achieve our shared goals and objectives for the U.S. health care system: lower costs, improved access, greater transparency and higher quality.


The National Coalition on Benefits

cc: All Members of Congress


National Coalition on Benefits Letter to Congress on Cadillac Tax Delay

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