Employers Urge Action on Health Care Priorities Before End of the Year
CONTACT: Neil Trautwein (202-626-8170)
WASHINGTON, November 14, 2018 – The National Coalition on Benefits issued the following statement in connection with Congress’ post-election or “lame duck” session.
“The National Coalition on Benefits (NCB) urges Congressional leaders to address key employer health care priorities in end-of-year legislation. We particularly urge Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s so-called “Cadillac Tax” and to pass bipartisan legislation to modernize Health Saving Accounts (HSAs) to enhance employee benefits.”
“When the House and Senate return for the post-election “lame duck” session, they must act to fully repeal the 40 percent “Cadillac Tax” on employer-provided plans. An election night poll, conducted by pollster Frank Luntz, highlights that 81% of voters oppose taxes on employer- provided health care coverage. The Cadillac tax will make health insurance more expensive for the more than 181 million people who receive coverage through an employer.”
“Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) cover more than 20 million Americans today. The laws governing these accounts are badly out of date and have not been updated since 2003. We urge Congress to adopt bipartisan HSA reforms, such as first-dollar coverage for chronic health care conditions. Employers want to be able to offer the best consumer‐directed options possible, but the NCB believes the rules surrounding HSAs and consumer directed health plans, with which they must be paired, need to be updated to match the needs of today’s modern workforce.”
The National Coalition on Benefits (NCB) is dedicated to preserving the benefits of the more than 181 million Americans who receive health insurance through employers. The Coalition is comprised of major employer trade associations, representing large and small employers. NCB also includes many large employers with employees in all 50 states.

Employers Urge Action on Health Care Priorities Before End of the Year
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